

Exactly one year ago, I launched Blonde Atlas as a platform for inspiration and living your fullest life. I thought it would be a fun little hobby, or at least a good creative outlet. And it’s allowed me to be creative, alright. So creative, in fact, that after a few months, I dreamed up this crazy idea to someday make it my full time job (what does that even mean!?) I told myself I could probably pull it off in 5 years if I worked really hard (maybe 3 if I was lucky). Regardless of when, I was excited about the possibility. 


But somewhere along the way this year, my desire to inspire others to live their fullest life prompted me to put my money where my mouth was and do the same for myself. It’s been wonderful, terrifying, and everything in between to chase after the things that make my heart beat faster: traveling across the globe, dreaming big with people, and believing that possibilities are endless. 


And now today? I’m beyond thrilled to announce that my 5 year goal is real life, because Blonde Atlas is now my full time gig. And life has never felt more right. 


Regardless of if you’ve never read my blog before, if you stumble across it every now and then, or if you’ve read every single post (God bless you if that's the case), let me give you a little context about what you can expect moving forward: 



The blog will continue to function the same way it always has, as the backbone of my site. This section will be where all frequent updates are made (where you’ll see all my travels, thoughts on faith and everything in between). As I continue to grow and expand upon the things I’m passionate about (travel and dreaming with people) you can expect to see a lot more content that highlights those areas of my life. But in addition, I’ve added additional pages to the site for each pillar that’s developed within my brand that gives more specific context to each category: Dream Big, Travel Often & Find Your True North.


dream big


What would it look like to live your best life possible? Forget about bragging rights or how much money you think you’re supposed to make. We’re talking about those things you actually love – to awaken and dig deep to pull those things out and build a full life for yourself.

I get it though. It’s far too easy to let everyday life get in the way or distract you from your dreams- which is exactly why I started hosting goal workshops: to create intentional time that’s dedicated to discovering what sets your soul on fire.  Because I believe the desires on your heart aren’t there by accident, and that it’s time to start doing something about them.

During the workshop, you’ll set aside all the everyday clutter and start asking yourself what you want out of life. It’s my hope that you’ll leave with a clearer understanding of what you were made to do (or what I like to call finding your “true north”) and then start heading that way.  

Workshops are hosted around the world (stay tuned for one in a city near you!) If you're interested in hosting your own for you and your friends, colleagues or organization, contact me & let's make it happen.





I've loved to travel as long as I've been alive. If my internet browser is in use, there's a 100% chance that one of those tabs is a map of an adventure that I'm plotting. When I worked a 9-5, I used all my holidays, long weekends and vacation days to travel- but it never seemed to satisfy my appetite. 

Today, whether I'm consulting businesses or goal coaching, I'm able to do my work from any time zone or part of the globe. I've seen some incredible places (over 17 countries and 50 cities to date) and I'm just getting started.

My hope is to not only see and experience as much of the world as possible, but to also be a valuable resource on the blog for those who share my curiosity about travel. I'm on a hunt for the best places to see, things to do, dishes to eat and adventures to experience. 

I've partnered with destinations everywhere from Rosemary Beach, FL to Napa Valley, CA and am always ready to venture wherever is next. If you're a travel professional with a destination in mind, I've got a suitcase + a passport.





I don't just want to help you discover what your passion is, I want to help you bring it to life and see it thrive. 

For years, I put my advertising and marketing degree to use at some of the top global ad agencies in the world. I consulted renown brands (in categories everywhere from tourism, to luxury automotive) on how to optimize their marketing + social media strategies. Working for large corporations was extremely rewarding, but my passion has always been the origin of a dream behind a brand and the people who dreamed it. 

Today, I work full-time to create custom-tailored marketing and social media strategies that are unique to each of my client's needs. I want to hear who you are and what your vision is. And I want to help you position your brand's story in a way that's not only effective for your business goals, but in line with who you are at the core. If you're interested in hiring me to consult your business, drop me a line and let's talk. 


Working with great people makes me happy. Questions or inquiries about any of the above can be sent to: theblondeatlas@gmail.com Shoot me a note and let's talk about what's possible. 


So there you have it. Blonde Atlas has gone from an idea that existed in my head and my heart for years, to becoming my passion and livelihood. And it's almost comical now to be in such a joyful position, because when I finally pulled the trigger and launched it, I happened to be in one of the most barren, lost and confusing places I’d ever been in my life. There’s been so much stripped from me and so much I’ve shed over these last 365 days: relationships, a cushy salary, a life that felt predictable, safe and comfortable- the list goes on. But something beautiful has happened in the process of God uprooting these (arguably) good things: it’s allowed new life to be planted, bloom and flourish. 


I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that I'd be standing where I am today. I'm so proud of myself for the bravery it required to take risks that felt scary, and for the perseverance it required to overcome challenges that felt insurmountable. But more than anything else, I am completely beside myself with how much gratitude I feel towards all the friends + family who have loved me so well and encouraged me in ways that words won't begin to suffice. I’ve never felt more alive, more supported, or more confident about what I'm doing with my life than I do in this very moment.

Thank you (sincerely) for joining me on this journey- in whatever capacity you may have been involved. The road ahead has never looked more beautiful. Let's keep going, shall we?

Plan B

I'm finally home from Europe. I unpacked and put away my suitcase for a whopping 48 hours before I'll need to pull it back out and pack again. I'm heading back to Colorado in a couple days for another week, and I realized that in the chaos leading up to Spain and my time abroad, I never shared my post from the last time I was in Boulder. So let's rewind. 

I had plans to host my second goal workshop on a Tuesday night in Boulder, so that Monday I went to Chautauqua and found a spot in a field right in front of the flatirons. It was going to be perfect. There were wildflowers, blue skies and incredible mountain scenery. I bought some flameless candles (since I knew the park wouldn’t allow open flames), Mexican blankets, for us to sit on and tons of food and wine. I had planned and prepped and purchased  everything I needed for another beautiful night. I patted myself on the back and left to grab margaritas and tacos with a friend. 


The next day at work, one of the girls that was going to attend that night approached me and asked what the rain plan was. I blinked a couple times. “It’s not supposed to rain” I replied. “The forecast is completely clear.” She looked back at me with concerned eyes. “Have you been outside?"


The sky had gone from a beautiful clear blue to a deep, slate grey. Rain clouds were heavily hanging in the sky, looking as though they could pour open at any moment. And this was what I saw through glimpses of my tangled hair that the intense wind was blowing all across my face. I didn’t have a plan b. This wasn’t supposed to happen. 


"Surely this will pass” I thought optimistically. "Meteorology is  usually pretty accurate with this kind of stuff, right? It must be forecasted to rain somewhere else and these clouds are just blowing over."


I loaded the Subaru up with all the food, wine, candles, blankets, flowers and everything else I had gathered and headed toward Chautauqua. Sure enough, not even a mile into my drive the first raindrop fell on my windshield. And within moments it was pouring. 


"I’m going to have to cancel". I thought to myself. I can’t have a dozen people huddle around my hotel bed and recreate the same night I had planned out in my mind. I stupidly hadn’t considered what my fallback would be ("Boulder has over 300 sunny days a year" they say). The forecast said it would be over within the hour, but the ground we would be sitting on would still be soaked and the sky would still be grey and cover the view of the mountains (which was the whole point of that location).


I was already appreciative that so many people that really don’t know me all that well signed up for the goal workshop in the first place. But now that the beautiful night of wine and candle light around the sunset over the flatirons wasn’t happening, I imagined the RSVP list would dwindle down to nothing. It was the perfect excuse for everyone to bail. To stay in with take out and Netflix on this rainy night. 


But that’s not what happened. 


One of the girls called and said she had just redone her front porch (which was covered) and that we could use that as a space instead if we wanted. I was appreciative of her offer and had a car full of food and wine so I figured why not? It was better than wasting it all if a few people still wanted to come. 


When I arrived to the house, every person who said they would come was there. Every single one of them. Even though we were running late. Even though plans had changed. Even though quite frankly, the whole thing had become a mess. They still showed up. 


“What can we do?” they all asked as I walked in with frizzy hair and wet clothes. 


They took the bags from me and started to slice the baguettes, open the wine and prepare the charcuterie. 

Meanwhile Shelby (shoutout for saving the day and opening your home) was sweeping the porch and hanging twinkle lights and lighting candles. 

Within 30 minutes the night had gone from a complete nightmare to a picturesque setting you’d see somewhere on Pinterest.  


Yeah, Chautauqua would have been beautiful, but frankly this was better. After a week  where people had really disappointed me back home, this night reminded me that people are still good. That failed plans don’t always turn out to be a catastrophe- in fact they can turn out to be a blessing. 


It reminded me that setting goals and making plans for our dreams is exactly what we should be doing (hence the reason I host these workshops), but so is being flexible in your approach to them. That life is full of plot twists and things working out differently than you think they will.  That sometimes your goal will fail and you’ll have to wing it and come up with a plan b. But that plan b is where we learn. It's usually the place where good stuff happens.


So thanks to my sweet friends in Colorado. Not just for still showing up when things fell apart, but for making the night even better than I expected it to be through your kindness. Thanks for laughing a lot, eating (and drinking) a lot, getting cozy on the front porch and for being open-minded to dreaming big with me. But most of all, thanks for reminding me that sometimes our happiest ending doesn’t happen until something else goes wrong.  

Great things take time

Dreams are tricky creatures, and ones that I know well. I had a dream to start this blog, and now the dream to keep it alive. I dream about hosting goal dinners all over the country and traveling as often as I can. And I have lots of other dreams too. The beautiful thing is that slowly, piece by piece, these dreams are coming to life. But the part that makes them more complex and deceiving is the part that I somehow breezed past in my initial excitement: these dreams require a lot from me than I ever anticipated. 

So now here I am on a Sunday night being taunted by all sorts of things: a calendar that tells me I’m traveling 4 out of the next 5 weeks, a pile of dirty laundry, an empty suitcase that needs to be packed, a blinking cursor on the blank word document that’s supposed to be the blog I’m publishing tomorrow. I was supposed to develop a strategy document for tomorrow morning’s meeting, to finalize the details of the next goal dinner, to gather images for upcoming blog posts (not to mention writing the upcoming blog posts). All of these on top of my normal, human task list of things like cleaning my embarrassingly messy room, or getting my oil changed or buying birthday cards. 

This is what happens in the middle of a dream. At the beginning we’re so high on adrenaline and naive optimism that we believe anything is possible. At the end, we’ve got it all figured out and can bask in glorious success. But the middle? We’re stuck with all these dreadful details and to do lists and nagging action items that make us feel like we’re in a sinking canoe with only a teaspoon to frantically get all the water out. 

It makes me want to hide. It makes me want to pour the biggest glass of wine, walk next door to Bongo Java to buy a snickerdoodle the size of my face, climb under my covers and curl up with the Scandal season finale that I still haven’t had time to watch. But I’m not. Okay, so I did pour a glass of wine- but the important thing here is that I didn’t give into the temptation to run when things got overwhelming. I decided what was important, and what wasn’t. That coming home to a messy room and a full laundry basket is something I’m willing to deal with for the sake of getting closer to my dreams. That what makes me love traveling so much isn’t because of the hours I’ve spent calculating and planning what all needs to be packed. That I’ll be perfectly fine throwing some things in a suitcase and making due with whatever I have. 

When the details of our dreams get overwhelming or frustrating, you can choose to give up, or you can choose to press on. It’s perfectly alright that you feel like giving up. All that matters is that you don’t. 


No, this post doesn’t have all the visual images I’d like it to. It’s being published at the expense of my room staying messy, my suitcase staying empty and a 12:30am bedtime (meaning I won’t be doing 6am yoga like I had hoped). But I finished it. I also finished my strategy preparations for tomorrow’s meeting, and nailed down the details of the next goal dinner (which, excuse the shameless plug, is happening on Tuesday, June 30th in Boulder, CO). And completing even a few, tiny items of what seems like a mountain of tasks ahead of me feels so good. Because they’re ultimately putting me closer to a payoff that’s greater than the temporary satisfaction of a snickerdoodle or a TV show. They leave me full of hope about the road I’m walking down and all that I have to look forward to, instead of left with another void no meal or drink or show or wasted night can fill. 

What are you choosing? Yes a night out with friends is fun, a clean room is comforting and a security blanket can often seduce better than any other seductress. Yes, dealing with all of those difficult things that make you a better person and closer to living the life you dream of is never fun in the moment. But it’s always the better option. 

It’s not my place to tell you whether you should prioritize your friends or your alone time or productivity or workouts or whatever else. But I will say that in order to live the kind of life that you dream of, you’re going to have to prioritize working hard on the details of your dreams. And with that, you’ll have to sacrifice some of the time you spend on all the other things. But with that, comes the hope of slowly becoming one lesson wiser and one step closer to victory. And it’s all only going to get more beautiful with time. So keep going. Stay up later if you have to. Leave the house a mess even if it drives you crazy. It will all be worth it in the end. 

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. -Hebrews 12:11